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"if my father came from the sea I would be inclined to eat him" *

* denizden babam çıksa yerim

the bravery geldi gitti, şimdi de journallarına yazılarını yazmışlar..türkiye ile ilgili anıları anthony'nin kuş gribinden acaip korkması ve gelmeden önce sevdiklerini son defa arayıp vedalaşmasıyla başlıyor..ama istanbul'a inmeleriyle birlikte bu saçmalıklardan uzaklaşıp rakı&balık olayıyla türkiye'ye esas ayak basmaları gerçekleş indigo'da sahneye çıktıklarında da baya bi rakı effect hissetmişler..bikaç aydır neredeyse her gün depeche mode alt grubu olarak bikaç parçalık performans verdiklerinden istanbuldaki ful setleri hoşlarına gitmiş..kalabalığın gruba katılımından da baya memnun kalmışlar da albümlerinin türkiyede satışı olmadığını bildiklerinden "downloading" olayına teşekkürlerini de sunmuşlar..ama ufak bi sıkıntıları olmuş ki bir bayan konser sonu grup kulise gitmişken, gitar teknisyenleri brad adlı şahsa "just a loser who holds guitars" diye öfkeyle seslenmiş ve bundan memnun kalmamışlar ona göre!!

ayrıca bir de araştırma yapıyoruz!! konser gecesi sabaha karşı basçı mike'ı elinde havluya sarılı uzun bir ekmek bıçağıyla gören, duyan, bıçağı hisseden, bi şekilde etkileşimde bulunan olduysa tez haber versin!!

tüm metin;

Week Five
From Michael

Anthony was freaking out and making his final calls to all of his loved ones because he was about to get on a flight to Istanbul and had recently heard a lot about Turkey's growing epidemic of Bird Flu. Not to mention, as a consistently paranoid conspiracy theorist it does does not help the situation that we had all just been handed a pamphlet as we were boarding the flight with bold faced lettering that said "Avian Influenza." After we were all able to calm him down and get him through the relatively short flight from Austria he was surprised to realize when we arrived that the supposedly omnipresent flu was not nearly as much of a problem as previously supposed. When CNN world news becomes your only english speaking source of current events it is no surprise that many of the events and tragedies around the world are more blown out of proportion than they actually are, as evident by the fact that yesterday we were in Copenhagen and there wasn't any mass rioting and protests in regard to the recent depiction of Mohammed in their main newspaper. The rest of the night ran a bit smoother as we went out for dinner and drinks with our turkish label reps and tried some of the local delicacies. At dinner we were introduced to their local aperitif called Yeni Raki which is similar to Uzo in that it has a black licorice flavor and becomes a foggy opaque color when mixed with water, however it is far stronger in alcohol content as we later realized during the show.

After we were satiated with all of the amazing fish from the Mediterranean (the Turks eat so much fish that their favored saying goes "if my father came from the sea I would be inclined to eat him") and a sufficient amount of Yeni Raki we headed to the venue to play a 1:00 a.m. show. The venue was definitely a lot smaller than what we have grown accustomed to being on a three month tour with Depeche Mode more so resembling the size of the venues we were playing in New York and Boston when we first started playing out. The show was packed and had a great intimate punk rock vibe to it which Mike took full advantage of as he specially dressed in an east L.A. gangster style outfit. The show was great as it was really nice to play a full set again having only played half hour sets for the past two months, and even though we don't officially have an album out in Turkey thanks to downloading and itunes all the fans in the audience knew the words to the songs. Unfortunately, some of the people were not a generous to Brad our guitar tech who after having blocked a girl from going into our dressing room as were getting off stage was told that he was "just a loser who holds guitars." After the show we decided to go out and experience all that Turkish night life has to offer, and as the night turned into morning most of us went back to the hotel for a few hours of sleep before our early morning flight out. However, when we got to the lobby in the morning for bus call we were confronted by Mike who decided to stay out all night with the label reps. Oddly, in his hand was a long bread knife wrapped in a towel and a ghostly look on his face in which neither was ever really fully explained to us other than his returning the long knife to one of the reps when we arrived at the airport who seemed just as confused as the rest of us.

Posted by nóiway 10:16


  1. ________ said...
    haha açıklıyorum brade loser die baıran bendim!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    nóiway said...
    waşingtın disi de yaşlı morukların evinde gecenin bi yarısı yatağında yatarken belki de evet evet!!

    "we're the bravery from new york city.."

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